Monday, March 2, 2015

Planetary Nebulae

Name: NGC 6751 "The Glowing Eye"
The Glowing Eye of Planetary Nebula NGC 6751
Constellation: Aquila
Distance: 6,500 light-years
Size: 0.8 light-years
Other: Observed by Hubble in 1998

Name: NGC 6210
An odd planetary nebula in Hercules
Constellation: Hercules
Distance: 6,500 light-years
Size: Unknown
Other: It contains stars similar to our Sun, in their final stages, giving us insight to the fate of our Sun

Name: NGC 6537 "The Red Spider Nebula"

Constellation: Sagittarius
Distance: 3,000 light-years
Size: Unknown
Other: This nebula contains one of the hottest stars in the Universe, and generates 100 billion kilometer high waves

Name: IC 4406 "The Retina Nebula"
Constellation: Lupus
Distance: 3,900 light-years
Size: 30 arcsec
Other: It is a symmetrical nebula

Name: IC 418 "The Spirograph Nebula"
Spirograph Nebula - Hubble 1999.jpg
Constellation: Lepus
Distance: 2,000 light-years
Size: 0.3 light-years
Other: Resembles a shape that could be made on a spiroraph -a toy which produces geometric patterns

Name: NGC 6853 "Dumbbell Nebula"

Constellation: Vulpecula
Distance: 1,200 light-years
Size: 8 x 5.7 arcmin
Other: one of the most photographed planetary nebulae in the night sky

Name: NGC 7293 "Helix Nebula"
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download  the highest resolution version available.
Constellation: Aquarius
Distance: 700 light-years
Size: 16 arcmin
Other: one of the closest planetary nebulae to the Earth

Name: NGC 6720 "Ring Nebula"

Constellation: Lyra
Distance: 2,300 light-years
Size: 2.5 arcmin
Other: discovered by the French astronomer Antoine Darquier de Pellepoix in January 1779

Name: NGC 6543 "Cat's Eye Nebula"
 Cat's Eye Nebula from Hubble
Constellation: Draco
Distance: 3,000 light-years
Size: 25 arcsec
Other: first planetary nebula whose spectrum was investigated by the English amateur astronomer William Huggins, demonstrating that planetary nebulae were gaseous and not stellar in nature

Name: NGC 2392 "Eskimo Nebula"
Constellation: Gemini
Distance: 2,870 light-years
Size: 0.8 arcmins
Other: discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1787

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