Friday, February 20, 2015

APOD 3.5

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Spiral galaxies are some of the most photogenic objects in the universe. Their complex makeup makes them, under color enhanced imagery, beautiful to look at. When people want astrology themed tattoos, make now are getting pseudo-galaxy images. M106, pictured above, has an unusual and captivating center. The core is glowing under radio waves and x-rays; the blue are made of gas and stars, the red indicates dust lanes. The glow is thought to be an example of the Seyfert class of galaxies, or unimaginable amounts of glowing gas thought to be falling into a massive black hole. This galaxy is located 23.5 million light year away, spanning 60 of those light years across. M106 can be seen, due to its brightness, through a small telescope towards the constellation Canes Venatici, or "Hunting Dogs". 

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