Friday, September 19, 2014

APOD 1.4

As we continue to ruin our planet with pollutants, or continue to run out of space on Earth as we overpopulate- we must take into consideration new celestial objects to inhabit (that of course is supposing that the human race has the desire to live on). For an object to be habitable (or to be in a habitable zone), it must have the temperature that allows it to be able to support liquid water. The four moons pictured below- Ganymede (Jupiter), Cassini (Jupiter), Enceladus (Saturn), and Titan (Saturn) all have some sort of water. These moons are all found locally in our solar system. Research suggests that exomoons could outnumber exoplanets in regards to stellar habitual zones. In our future, moons could become the most common type of habitable worlds in the Universe.

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.Who knows? Maybe we'll find some moons have already found inhabitants.

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