Friday, September 12, 2014

APOD 1.3

Some day, our Sun will die out. If it happens to explode, our solar system will be reduced to nothing more than remnants of a supernova. Unfortunately, it will not look like a piece for art- the colors in the picture above are untrue. When stars explode, the shock wave can reach out for light years. The collapsing of a star's core causes the supernova, which will continue to emit light from the incident for countless millenniums to come. Supernova Remnant Puppis A (above) is only 180 light years in length; but the view of the supernova (7,000 light years from our location) already graced the people of Earth some 3,700 years ago. 


  1. Very well written post! I personally did not know that the shock wave from an exploding star can reach out that far into space. The fact that the photograph shown captures a supernova that is 180 years long is mind blowing.

  2. I almost choose this APOD, I didn't know that supernovas lasted so long and spanned so far, that is incredible.
