Friday, May 8, 2015

APOD 4.7

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 the highest resolution version available.
It's strange to think that when you die, the world will go on without you. Science and technology will keep innovating -maybe even to the extent that could have saved your life if it was invented earlier or you were born later. Either way, our current 2015 North Star is Polaris, however, if you were born much later, say, around 14000, your North Star would be Vega. The picture above is how an exposure picture taken in the same place will change on its own. Once a few generations die, Vega will be the "norm" for a North Star -but if you're reading this, there's a good chance you won't live to see that. The shift is caused by the Earth's axis of rotation precession period of about 26,000 years - of which it has been 14,000.

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