Monday, January 5, 2015

APOD 2.7

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The gap in the image of Molecular Cloud Barnard 68 is not a black hole. It's a dark molecular cloud. The denseness of the dust and molecular gas in this area absorbs almost all of the visible light emitted from the background stars, though it is possible to look straight through the cloud in infrared light. The dark abyss looking cloud are, as could be predicted, one of the coldest and darkest places in the universe. Barnard 68 is located near the constellation Ophiuchus (the Serpent Handler). The size of the absorption gives astronomers the impression that Barnard 68 is about 500 light years away and spans half a light year. It is still unknown how dark molecular clouds form. It is predicted that Barnard 68 will collapse and form a star system.

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