Friday, April 17, 2015

APOD 4.4

Go See the Eclipse: And Take a Kid With You. All I've been hearing about in class is this book. But it's understandable, a total eclipse cutting through the center of the United States is a pretty big deal. Mr. Percival (my teacher) is getting as much attention drawn to this occurrence as possible -and I'm hooked. August 21st, 2017. August 21st, 2017. August 21st, 2017! Hopefully my college will be near enough to the path that I'll be able to take a road trip to experience it -and take friends along of course.

Friday, April 10, 2015

APOD 4.3

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
Some 20 million light-years away is the Barred Spiral Galaxy (NGC 2903). It's shine and location within the northern spring constellation Leo -right on the top of the head, make it a premier sight from amateur astronomers. Somehow, NGC 2903 is missing form the Messier catalog. The bright galaxy is filled with stars mid formation and spiral arms. This galaxy is definitely a loss from the "M" objects.